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# dog video

All time
Man discovers his dog has been hitting the snooze button for him
Watch this greyhound do a little tap dance in his snow booties
Dog tries to imitate emergency siren, fails adorably
Greyhound in Batman pyjamas having the best craic in the snow
Concerned dog chats to tiny, crying newborn baby
Saddest dog ever is left out of a birthday party
Watch how this scary guard dog transforms when pop music plays
Who knew dogs hated broccoli so much?
Dog recognises owner after six months away
Hilarious French bulldog is scared of his own farts
Dog doing uncanny impression of a barking dog
VIDEO: So just how hungry is this dog?
The best puppy video ever. EVER*
Evil genius toddler sabotages walking the dog
VIDEO: The Fresh Pup of Bel Air
Happy ending: Sailors rescue dog from floating ice
Look at this dog driving a go-kart... and bloody loving it
VIDEO: This dog has EXACTLY the right reaction to medicine
If you don't laugh at these dogs in shoes, you might be dead inside
VIDEO: Come on boy, you can do it
This? Just a dog, taking a horse for a walk
VIDEOS: Meet the most patient dog in the world
VIDEO: Baby watching dog eating popcorn, and bloody loving it
These dogs miss each other, so they're on Skype
VIDEO: Pug bouncing UP the stairs... and bloody loving it
Stop what you're doing and look at this dog and her wheelchair
Dog getting a Christmas present, and bloody loving it
Take a break and watch the cutest video ever
Look at this dog and baby having a chat (VIDEO)
Look at this brilliant dog helping the firemen
VIDEO: The most helpful dog ever?
Cat steals biscuit. Dog steals biscuit from cat. Dogs rule.
VIDEO: Look at this amazing acrobatic dog
VIDEO: The top ten guiltiest dogs on the Internet
VIDEO: Hardworking dog is having a rough morning
VIDEO: Cat outsmarts dog… ninja style
VIDEO: Dog saves other dog pals from canoe
VIDEO: Is this the ultimate in dog shaming?
VIDEOS: 6 Animals that think they're something else
Do you know what dogs and babies hate? Lemons