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Pilots on strike outside Ryanair's head office in Swords, Dublin on 23 July Sam Boal via
The Daily Poll

Poll: Are the strike days making you wary of booking Ryanair flights?

Ryanair pilots based in Ireland are staging their fourth one-day strike action today since 12 July.

DIRECTLY-EMPLOYED Irish-based Ryanair pilots are staging their fourth one-day strike action today, as a dispute over terms and conditions continues.

Yesterday, trade union Fórsa gave notice that the pilots will stage a further one-day strike commencing at 1am on 10 August.

This will be the fifth one-day strike by these pilots since 12 July.

So, today we’re asking: Are the strike days making you wary of booking Ryanair flights?

Poll Results:

Yes (12262)
No (1847)
I'm not sure / No opinion (457)

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