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The Daily Poll

Poll: Would you like mobile phones banned in your local pub?

“Pubs are places where you come in and you engage,” West Cork publican Billy Fleming has said.

A PUBLICAN IN West Cork has banned people from using mobile phones in his establishment. 

Billy Fleming, proprietor of the Anchor Bar, has said that locals at his pub support his decision and that mobile phones have gradually killed conversation over the last few years. 

“Pubs are places where you come in and you engage,” Fleming told RTÉ News

Though it’s easy to simply reach across your pint these days to check Twitter or the football score when out for a few with friends, perhaps it’s time more pubs followed Fleming’s example. 

So, today we want to know: Would you like mobile phones banned in your local pub?

Poll Results:

Yes, they're a conversation killer (7470)
No, pubs should allow them (5864)
No interest/No opinion (767)
I'm not sure (701)

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