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# Saving

All time
The next step: Charts show financial strain Irish parents face as their child goes to college
Could credit unions be on the way out? They're said to be under 'sustained attack'
Most Irish people think they could have more money in six months' time ...
Thinking of saving for a house? Here's what to expect*
Parents are saving for 8 years to put their kids through college
9 ways you are sabotaging your future by not saving in your 20s
Two thirds of Irish consumers can't save regularly
Do kids need to know how to manage cash?
Here's what the Irish are saving money for
Stamping your book: People are saving more and more with An Post
Disposable income on the rise but 1/3 rely on credit card to make ends meet
Poll: Are you planning to go away on holiday this year?
Your Tips: How to save money this January...
More people are saving, but not because they think it's a good time to do so
Less than a quarter of people feel confident saving money
One in four people are saving all year round for Christmas
Household savings primarily being used to pay down debt
NTMA could gobble up your savings next March if they have become dormant
1.8 million people have less than €100 left after bills are paid
People spent more money than they usually would during the heatwave
Almost everyone has cut spending as a result of recession
Under 50s stop saving as they struggle to pay off mortgages
Fall in personal loans and holiday home mortgages as households pay off debt
Bank of Cyprus customers could lose up to 60 per cent of savings
Saving index falls to record low with 48 per cent not saving at all
Annual savings up 10 per cent on last year
Banking sector saw rise in deposits, decline in lending in 2012
Poll: Do you keep your New Year's resolutions?
Bus Eireann to cut some payments after unions reject Labour Court hearing
The Daily Fix: Tuesday