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# Scotland

All time
Sean O'Brien was an absolute beast at the breakdown against Scotland
SOB, Henry and Toner helped Jack Conan prep for his Ireland debut
'I've been working really hard with Joe' - Madigan delivers against Scots
Ian Madigan thanks Kilmacud Crokes after this delicious cross-field kick
'You feel like a bit of a kid when you've got Paul O'Connell next to you!'
Schmidt looks towards 'fully-loaded' Wales with tough selection calls to make
Ireland relieved to avoid repeat of TOD's World Cup-ending injury
'He gave the players around him a real confidence' - Schmidt on Zebo
5 players who stood out in Ireland's scrappy win over Scotland
Out of 10: How Ireland's players rated in their win over Scotland
Impressive Zebo helps Schmidt's Ireland to hard-fought win over Scotland
Ireland v Scotland, Rugby World Cup warm-up
Ireland look to Zebo's 'X-factor' at fullback as Cotter's Scots visit Dublin
Ireland looking for more explosive defensive plays like Trimble's
The Tullow Tank is delighted to be captaining Ireland for the first time
'Cian is a chirpy and happy fella... you don’t want to get him mad!'
'Joe always says you've got to make the guy outside you look better'
This Scotland XV could give Schmidt's Ireland a better game than Wales did
Ireland look for Zebo to prove 'versatility' after Conan earns debut
Zebo at fullback and more talking points from Schmidt's Ireland XV
Jack Conan handed Ireland debut as Madigan takes over in 10 shirt
Captain O'Connell set to be unleashed as Ireland turn to Scotland Test
Scotland's World Cup jerseys are here and they involve tartan
A Leinster cult hero is joining Scotland's World Cup coaching team
Analysis: That weird Sean O'Brien lineout tactic worked against Scotland
Analysis: Robbie Henshaw shows rich promise as Six Nations star
'Henshaw was a contender for Ireland’s player of the tournament'
Wave goodbye to Hook and McGurk with this class Six Nations closing montage
3 Irish players make the 12-man shortlist for the 6 Nations Player of the Tournament
We need to build a Six Nations trapdoor and push a team through it
'Ultimate leader' Paul O'Connell inspires Ireland to Six Nations success
Schmidt: 'I’ve got a sick son, the reality for me is a long way from rugby'
POC: 'It was like Robbie Henshaw’s 21st birthday with the '80s hits!'
The only thing better than Jared's sexy line earlier was SOB's Space Jam stretch to touch down
Never in doubt! Ireland secure back-to-back 6 Nations titles on stunning day of rugby
'I'll be either delighted or broken': Joe Schmidt on mission acomplished in Murrayfield
Brilliant O'Brien and more talking points from Ireland's big win in Scotland
Here's how we rated Ireland in their swashbuckling four-try win over Scotland
Four-try Ireland move into strong Six Nations position before England face France