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# The Journal Ireland Thinks

This year
Voters here say Denmark is most like Ireland among our EU counterparts
Independent candidates overtake Sinn Féin as voters' top choice ahead of European elections
Independents and others have seen a large jump in support in recent weeks, according to a new opinion poll.
Almost a quarter of people (24%) plan to vote for candidates classed as 'independents and others' on 7 June
The next most popular choice is Sinn Féin on 22% (down one point)
Sinn Féin is the most popular party among younger voters, while Fine Gael is the preferred party for over 65s
Here's what people's housing situation tells us about how they will vote
Fine Gael’s popularity lies with homeowners, while 50% of those in council rented accommodation back Sinn Féin.
European elections: Voters sceptical about an EU army and whether Ireland should participate
A new The Journal/Ireland Thinks poll also found that immigration is seen as the priority issue in the European elections.
Questions over EU military cooperation have long been a source of debate in the bloc.
Half of poll respondents were opposed to an EU army, with just over a third in favour.
Supporters of Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, the Greens and Labour were in favour of Ireland's participation in an EU army.
Simon Harris's leadership makes 15% of voters less likely to vote for Fine Gael - poll
The results do not bode well for Taoiseach Simon Harris in his first week in office.
The biggest loss of support was visible among the 18-34-year-old age group.
Today's The Journal/Ireland Thinks poll also took a look at the popularity of the parties and asked voters which election is more important to them - the EU elections or the local elections.
This latest poll also shows a slide in support for Sinn Féin, with the party down to 23% from 26% in February.
Poll: Strong division among younger voters on immigration issues and candidates
Kevin Cunningham
European elections: Dead-heat on whether immigration is a big issue for voters
A third of people say they would vote for a candidate with ‘strong anti-immigration views’.
TheJournal/Ireland Thinks poll finds voters evenly split on the relevance of immigration to June elections.
The second survey in the major series also asked questions about EU immigration policy and sea rescue missions.
Voters across all age groups hold moderate view on EU climate action
Ireland's voter turnout in every election is well below average compared to rest of EU
JFK in 1960, Blair 1997, Obama 2008, Corbyn 2017: Youth vote is a starting gun for momentum
Kevin Cunningham
Irish public support Ukraine joining the EU, but don't want to see membership fast-tracked
Polling also found a fifth of the public believe the EU’s response to the war in Ukraine to be “very bad”.
The Journal/Ireland Thinks poll found 72% of Irish citizens support Ukraine joining the EU.
The same poll found that 39% of Ireland are not in favour of Ukraine getting its application to join fast tracked.
This comes as accession talks began in December and additional war-time relief funding was just approved.
What parties will 18-34-year-olds vote for in the EU elections? And why?
New poll shows Sinn Féin out in front for upcoming European elections in June
The EU's Israel-Gaza response has been poor according to two-thirds of Irish voters
The negative feeling is most keenly felt among younger people.
A major The Journal/Ireland Thinks poll, the first in a series of EU 2024 polls, published this morning.
The EU's response to the Gaza conflict has damaged its reputation with Irish people.
There remains, however, a huge motivation across the population to vote in four months with over 80% signalling intention to make it to the polling booths.