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# Tour de France

All time
It's not about the mic: how did Oprah do in her 'biggest interview' with Lance Armstrong?
VIDEO: Watch Betsy Andreu's emotional reaction to Lance Armstrong's Oprah interview
Irish masseuse Emma O'Reilly rejects Lance Armstrong's apology
Lance Armstrong interview: 3-time Tour champ Greg LeMond takes aim at former friend
'Look at this arrogant prick' -- what we learned from Lance/Oprah part 1
Here's how Twitter reacted to the Lance Armstrong-Oprah interview
'One big lie' as Armstrong admits to 7 drug-fueled Tours
VIDEO: The moment Lance Armstrong admitted to doping
The Lance Armstrong-Oprah Winfrey interview
VIDEO: Inevitable Taiwanese animation of Lance and Oprah
Pat McQuaid and world cycling body braced for Armstrong revelations
Lance Armstrong case: IOC strips shamed former rider of Olympic medal
A pint of LeMond and a David Walsh on the rocks: Here's some drink ideas for tonight's Lance interview
It wasn't me: here's some of Lance Armstrong's doping denials through the years
‘I might not watch’ — sprint king Mark Cavendish unmoved on Armstrong mea culpa
Lance Armstrong: Watch the interview and decide for yourself
Lance Armstrong interview: Here's the 16-second teaser for the Oprah sit-down
Lance Armstrong ready as Oprah comes to town
Lance Armstrong must 'reveal everything,' says Cookson
Armstrong will answer 'honestly' during Oprah talk
Lance Armstrong 'plans to admit doping' in Oprah interview
Lance Armstrong case: Swiss lab rejects USADA claims it helped rider cheat
'No question off-limits' when Oprah, Armstrong meet
VIDEO: Lance Armstrong tried to 'donate' to USADA, says anti-doping chief
Snapshot: Lance 'Pinocchio' Armstrong insists he's never been to France
Lance on Oprah: The best 7 reactions to the news of the 'no-holds barred' interview
Lance Armstrong to address doping in Oprah interview
Confess? Armstrong may not have much to gain
Is he about to come clean? Armstrong may admit to doping
Hunt returns to Team Sky coaching position
Lance Armstrong case: No appeal for former Tour de France legend
Sunday Times sues Lance Armstrong for €1.2m over libel payment
David Walsh: You had people in the sport who were always complicit in the cover-up
Re-cycle: Armstrong leaves peloton picking up the pieces after traumatic year
Doctor: 'I never saw Lance Armstrong dope'
By 'eck! Tour de France to start in Yorkshire in 2014
Embattled cycling chief McQuaid turns on 'arrogant' LeMond
Cycling: Wiggins could target Tour defence after all
Doping scandal: Thorpe 'happy' at Armstrong's downfall
Your 'Oh, you're at Dublin Airport too' pic of the day