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# Press Freedom

This year
Irish journalist Sally Hayden denied entry to Rwanda to report on 30th anniversary of genocide
Last year
Latest legal case by Sinn Féin TD heightens concern at potential chilling effect on media
Complaints about the media on the increase relating to recent protests
All time
Media watchdog asks India to release Kashmiri journalist
Third Hong Kong news company shuts in wake of sedition arrests for rival publication
Complaints made to Press Ombudsman increased by almost 40% last year
RTÉ journalist: 'We could no longer justify raising a family in a country which increasingly acts with impunity against foreign citizens'
Irish journalist leaves China 'in a hurry' after coming under increased surveillance
Hong Kong news site says prospective editor was denied visa
Australian newspapers black out front pages to protest government secrecy
Met Police responds to criticism in wake of warning media not to publish leaked memos
Loughinisland journalists: It's still surreal to think we were arrested in Northern Ireland for a documentary
Reuters journalists jailed in Myanmar for 500 days have been released
Ireland warned its highly concentrated media ownership is 'single largest threat to press freedom'
Column: Ireland is now the 18th-least corrupt country in the world but there's work to be done
Robert Gillanders & Michael Breen
CNN sues Donald Trump over journalist being barred from White House
NUJ calls on Simon Coveney to raise journalists’ arrests with British government
'An attack on the press': Journalists released after arrest over theft of Loughinisland massacre documents
'Trump's comments may increase risk of violence against journalists' - UN expert
Ireland has slipped down in press freedom rankings because of concentrated ownership and defamation costs
'Highly concentrated' media ownership sees Ireland slip down press freedom rankings
'We will not surrender': Outrage as editor of Turkish newspaper arrested
Defiant front page as police seize control of Turkish newspaper
Opinion: Australian gagging order has major implications for press freedom
Niall McGlynn
Opinion: 'Right to be forgotten' ruling opens a legal and ethical Pandora's box
Niall McGlynn
Guess where Ireland ranks in the world in terms of press freedom...
Column: Ignorance, avoidance, distortion – media coverage of the Corrib gas project has failed
Harry Browne
China has blocked its citizens from reading the Guardian
The Guardian's former investigations editor to discuss press freedom with VinB
Two journalists receive death threats from paramilitaries
World Press Freedom Day: Syria now most dangerous place for journalists
Ireland ranks 15th on latest global Press Freedom Index
Burma to allow daily private newspapers
Rain, post offices and skyscrapers: the week in statistics
Column: On World Press Freedom Day, Ireland can stand proud
Ross McCarthy
'Vital' role of journalists stressed ahead of World Press Freedom Day
Shatter launches stinging attack on 'contrived' journalism
NYPD blocks journalist from covering Occupy protest
Careful what you write: Court imposes $40m fine after journalist libels president
Two Turkish soldiers jailed in connection with journalist's death