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Pictures: The case of a Dublin prisoner who swallowed a mobile phone

The prisoner presented to the Emergency Department of Tallaght Hospital with vomiting ten hours after he swallowed the phone.

Convert JPG to PDF online - International Journal of Surgery Case Reports International Journal of Surgery Case Reports

A NEW REPORT has detailed the case of a prisoner in Dublin who was admitted to hospital after he swallowed a mobile phone.

The 29-year-old prisoner presented to the Emergency Department of Tallaght Hospital with vomiting ten hours after he claimed to have swallowed the phone.

Scans showed that the phone was lodged in his stomach.

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An upper endoscopy was performed on the man – where a scope is inserted into the mouth the examine the oesophagus and stomach.

However doctors failed to remove the phone using endoscopic snares, graspers, tripod forceps and baskets.

They abandoned that approach and eventually managed to get the phone out by way of a gastrotomy – whereby a hole is made in the outside stomach.

The phone was then removed from the stomach using forceps.

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The device measured 68 x 23 x 11mm.

The case is highlighted in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports.

The man is said in the report to have had “complex psycho-social issues”.

He made a full recovery following the incident and underwent psychological counselling before he was discharged.

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