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The 5 at 5 5 minutes, 5 stories, 5 o’clock…

EVERY WEEKDAY EVENING, brings you the five big news stories you need to know as you head out the door.

1. #JUSTICE: Garda Commissioner Noirín O’Sullivan has dismissed claims that she had anything to do with any ‘targeting’ of whistleblowers making protected disclosures.

2. #NO IRISH: The British Government will force companies to list all their foreign workers in a bid to shame firms that turn down UK citizens - but don’t act too soon.

3. #MORE GOOD NEWS: A new report from the Simon Community says that just 20% of rental properties are in reach of those on rent supplement.

4. #DUBLIN: Gardaí are searching for a man in his 20s who fled a flat in a bloody top. The body of a man in his 20s was found inside the flat.

5. #HURRICANE MATTHEW: The storm has pummelled Haiti and moved on to Cuba after killing nine people, unleashing floods and forcing hundreds of thousands to flee.

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