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100 new jobs

This Dublin tech firm is hiring (and the perks include a meditation and yoga room)

Globoforce today announced 100 new jobs at its HQ in Park West.

SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS GLOBOFORCE has this morning unveiled its new 45,000 sq ft Dublin headquarters and announced the creation of 100 jobs over the next three years

Recruitment is underway for the first phase of the jobs and 50 of these positions are expected to be filled at the Park West facility within the next year.

The new jobs will range from graduate level upwards and will be in the fields of software development, software engineering, user experience, analysts, finance and customer service. Globoforce currently employs 400 people around the world with 210 in its Dublin office.

The new HQ will include a wellness room which will offer yoga, meditation and amenities for new mothers, while the cafe provides employees with healthy snacks, a coffee bar, and modern diner style seating.

Eric Mosley, co-founder and CEO of Globoforce said he is looking forward to seeing the business he started grow from strength to strength.

“These are very exciting times for Globoforce. When I co-founded the company in 1999 we started out with 5 employees in Dublin, we now employ more than 400 people in Dublin and Boston, and the company is growing year on year.”

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