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ZZ Top

Promoter issues warning after 60 concert-goers buy fake tickets

A number of people turned up at the ZZ Top gig in Dublin with invalid tickets.

AIKEN PROMOTIONS HAVE issued a warning after 60 fans were recently left out-of-pocket after buying fake tickets from reselling websites.

The promoters said that, following the ZZ Top concert at the 3Arena on Friday, at least 60 people turned up at the venue who had bought “invalid tickets” through secondary websites.

A spokesman for Aiken said: “These tickets were not valid which caused distress and disappointment to these fans. Unfortunately it is not likely these people will get the money they paid refunded.

“As a promoter, it is extremely frustrating to see people being exploited like this and I would like to emphasise once again that fans should not purchase tickets from any secondary sellers.”

In April of this year, Aiken warned of the dangers of buying tickets through reselling websites ahead of the highly anticipated Ed Sheeran gigs.

At that time, the promotions company advised Sheeran fans to not buy tickets from:

  • Any secondary site
  • Any third-party
  • Unofficial selling sites
  • Individual sellers

In a statement, the company noted: “Purchasing from these sites or secondary sellers can result in huge financial loss and disappointment for fans who could potentially arrive at the venue having been sold counterfeit tickets, only to be refused entry without recourse.”

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