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The 9 at 9 Here are the stories making the headlines this Tuesday morning.

EVERY MORNING, brings you the stories you need to know as you start your day.

1. #WAR GAMES: The UN Security Council is to convene an emergency meeting after North Korea launched a missile over Japan last night.

2. #BUFFERING: A school in rural Wicklow has been told its building is 70 metres too far away to be hooked up to the new broadband scheme. 

3. #INVESTIGATION: Probe launched after man allegedly turned away from hospital and told he needed a GP referral letter before suffering heart attack.

4. #TYRE FIRE: Concerns for public health have been raised over proposals to allow Irish Cement burn tyres at its plant.

5. #IN THE RED: Economist Colm Fitzgerald argues that Ireland is facing another financial meltdown as we have just three years to repay €50 billion in debt.

6. #HOMELESSNESS: The Peter McVerry Trust will today unveil its pre-Budget submission and call for an empty homes tax, which it said would “bring much-needed houses back into use”.

7. #HURRICANE HARVEY: Flood waters across Texas are continuing to rise after record levels of rain fell during the hurricane. (BBC)

8. #HEPATITIS A: An outbreak in the US has killed at least 15 people and left dozens in hospital in San Diego, California.

9. #NOTTING HILL: Over 300 people have been arrested so far at the annual street carnival in London.


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