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Sydney Street, Aughnacloy, where the woman's home is located. Google Maps

Fractured spine and skull: 83-year-old woman in induced coma after Tyrone burglary

Four males ransacked the woman’s home in Aughnacloy, which is along the border area.

AUTHORITIES ARE APPEALING for information after an elderly woman fell out of a first story window after a burglary at her home in Aughnacloy, Co Tyrone.

Around 9pm on Tuesday night, four “young” men ransacked her home in the Sydney Street area of the village which is located along the border with Emyvale in Co Monaghan.

A short time later the 83-year-old woman was discovered lying injured in the garden of her home. She was treated at the scene by ambulance staff before being taken to hospital. She remains in hospital at this time where her condition is described as critical.

The four suspects drove off in a black coloured car in the direction of Moore Street.

A possible link between this incident and three other reported burglaries are being investigated. The other three incidents occurred in Aghaloo Close in Aughnacloy, Richmond Park in Ballygawley and in McDowell Terrace in Seskinore on Wednesday, as well as a separate report of a similar suspicious vehicle.

The PSNI’s Serious Crime Branch are treating a burglary as attempted murder. Superintendent Jason Murphy is leading the investigation.

Speaking on Morning Ireland today, he said that a neighbour had seen “four young males” around the house of the elderly woman. He walked around the house and found her lying in the garden beneath the upstairs bedroom window.

“She had a fractured spine a fractured pelvis, and a fractured skull and she was taken immediately to hospital where she remains in an induced coma.”

Murphy said that they remain open-minded about what could have led to the woman being found in the garden with serious injuries.

“The fact that she’s got such serious injuries and the four males were in and around her property at that time does give us cause for concern,” he said.

He said they are looking for two vehicles, the details of which are:

  • Dark coloured car, with the registration GJ56AEG – though the PSNI believe that to be a false registration number
  • A silver car, possibly a Ford Focus with the registration 06 WX 6313. The PSNI also believe that this is a false registration number.

The PSNI are working with An Garda Síochána to try to identify who the four males are.

People with information are urged to call police in Dungarvan on 101 ex 53135 quoting reference 1218 of 23/01/18. Alternatively, information can also be provided about either incident to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 which is anonymous.

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