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Here's 5 suggestions for what to watch over the Christmas period

Here’s a few shows to keep your interest over the festive season.

TAKING TIME TO yourself to relax the mind and body is an essential Christmas activity.

Although it’s a good opportunity to spending time with family and friends, a little personal downtime is also badly needed.

So one way to mentally switch off is watching a good TV show or film. So we’ve compiled a few suggestions for you (this is by no means a complete list) to give you an idea of what to watch over the Christmas period.

There’s a mix between new and old, but we’ve tried to shy away from the obvious ones.

BBC / YouTube

Bodyguard is one of the BBC’s greatest successes of the year: the show’s season finale amassed 11 million viewers – the largest audience for a BBC show since 2008. Set in London, it gives us a view inside the House of Commons through a House of Cards-esque filter.

Starring Richard Madden, who’s excellent as a Scottish policeman turned bodyguard, it’s a six-episodes-long exploration of terrorism, British politics, human relationships and war with a fresh, fascinating and gripping approach.

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Netflix has released Springsteen on Broadway, a film about Springsteen’s autobiographical Broadway show.

Based on his best-selling autobiography Born to Run, it’s a solo acoustic performance written and performed by the award winning singer songwriter, with a special appearance by Patti Scialfa. 

Netflix / YouTube

Another easy watch: A Very Murray Christmas opens with Bill Murray preparing to host a live, international holiday broadcast.

After a blizzard shuts down the production, he makes the best of the situation. Guests include George Clooney, Miley Cyrus, Chris Rock, Amy Poehler, and Michael Cera.

pivot / YouTube

If you’ve already watched the Bodyguard and want something to fill the void it’s left – here’s a relatively unheard of solid option: Occupied.

It’s about a diplomatic rift between Norway and Russia rooted in climate change and oil. If you’re disappointed with the latest season of House of Cards, this could be a good replacement.

And a blast from the past: The Wire.

JPB / YouTube

Not a new one, but inserted here because it’s an all-rounder of a show with fascinating characters, a brilliant script and far too many people give up on it after one episode (wait at least until episode three before you make a decision on whether to continue).

Set in Baltimore, Maryland, the series follows a maverick Irish-American policeman called Jimmy McNulty who pushes his coworkers to not sit back and to go after a drug dealing kingpin.

It has a brilliant cast, including Idris Elba in his first role and Aidan Gillen appears in the third series as a sleazy politician, makes brave decisions and is unpredictable, which is always welcome in a TV show.

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