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traffic and travel

Luas Red Line remains closed between Red Cow and Tallaght after early morning power failure

A replacement bus service is in operation.

LAST UPDATE | 8 May 2019

A SECTION OF the Luas Red Line remains closed this morning after an earlier power failure affected commuters.

Trams between the Red Cow and Tallaght/Saggart stops are still suspended this morning as of 11am, as efforts continue to restore power to the line.

Tickets for affected services are available to use on Dublin Bus, while a shuttle bus service is also operating between the Red Cow and Tallaght/Saggart approximately every 30 minutes.

The company said: “We are doing our utmost to restore a full line as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.”

After earlier delays on the M50 in the capital, traffic is now moving well in both directions, AA Roadwatch said

With reporting from Sean Murray

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