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The electrical junction box that caused the fire. Dublin Fire Brigade

'We're in limbo': Over a dozen families forced to move after Dublin fire

The fire occurred this morning in Smithfield.

NEARLY 100 HOMES were without power in north Dublin today after a fire broke out at an electrical box in an apartment complex. 

The fire broke out this morning on Queen Street, Smithfield, causing dozens of people to be evacuated from homes in the area. 

Power has since been restored after the fire was extinguished by Dublin Fire Bridgade, but nearly 20 families could be temporarily forced to live in alternative accommodation due to the damage caused by the electrical fire. 

At one stage, ESB figures showed that over 90 homes were without power.

A spokesperson for Dublin City Council confirmed to that four housing blocks saw their electricity supply disrupted by the fire. 

However, the spokesperson said that restoring power to one of the blocks would take longer because it is “complex by nature”. 

“Dublin City Council is currently finding alternative temporary accommodation for a number of families until power is restored to their accommodation,” they said. 

However, residents have expressed concern about where this accommodation might be. 

Michelle O’Neill, a local resident, told that between 15 and 19 families will be forced into alternative accommodation as a result of the fire. 

O’Neill said that they were still waiting to find out where they’ll be housed. “We’re in limbo,” she said.

“It’s just a waiting game,” she added. 

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