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File Image: Of the seventeen arrests made, eleven people have been charged. Garda Press/Facebook
Operation Thor

Man arrested in relation to importation of child sex abuse material during 'day of action' in Cork

Gardaí made 17 arrests as part of Operation Thor in west Cork.

SEVENTEEN PEOPLE WERE arrested by gardaí as part of an operation in west Cork on Tuesday. 

The arrests were made in relation to a number of incidents such as suspected importation of child sex abuse material, burglary, theft, robbery and threats to kill. 

A man was arrested and detained at Bantry Garda Station in relation to the importation of child sex abuse material.

He has since been released without charge and a file has been prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). 

Of the seventeen arrests, eleven have been charged and files have been prepared for the DPP for the remaining six.

As part of the “day of action”, gardaí carried out multi-agency checkpoints on the N22, Currahally Farran.

During the checkpoints, a number of offences were detected and four vehicles were discovered to have major defects.

“Community policing units provided crime prevention packs to distribute to Meals on Wheels members in the division,” a garda spokesperson said. 

A crime preventions stand was also erected in the Bandon district where information and flyers were distributed to members of the public.

Tuesday’s arrests follow on from a similar day of action, earlier this month, during which 17 people were also arrested. 

Those arrests were in relation to a number of incidents including suspected possession of images of child sexual abuse, assault, burglary, theft, and drugs and immigration offences.

Comments have been closed as a number of people have been charged. 

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