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It's Quizness time

Quiz: How well do you remember 1999?

How well do you remember events from two decades ago?

THE MILLENNIUM IS almost 20 years old.

But even though there’s no Y2K fear at the moment, talk about impeaching the US president and goodbyes to Gay Byrne make it seem as if history is repeating itself.

Can that help you remember events from two decades ago? Test yourself with our quiz and find out…

Which international agreement came into effect in Ireland this year?
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The Good Friday Agreement
The Nice Treaty

The Maastricht Treaty
The Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air
Westlife first arrived on the scene this year. How many number 1 singles did they achieve in 1999?
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An RTÉ special called States of Fear led to apologies in the Dáil and the foundation of a new commission. What was it about?
Garda malpractice
Forced adoptions

Institutional child abuse
Political corruption
Which film won Best Picture at the Oscars?
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Shakespeare in Love
Saving Private Ryan

Good Will Hunting
American Beauty
Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones became the first people to circumnavigate the Earth using what mode of transport?
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Dog sled

Double-decker bus
Hot air balloon
Who headlined Slane?
Bryan Adams
The Verve

Robbie Williams
What event saw the country turn to the skies in August?
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A solar eclipse
Mir space station was retired and plummeted into the sea

The Northern Lights appeared at a lower-than-normal latitude
A flyover by the US Air Force
Which former Taoiseach died on 20 October?
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Liam Cosgrave
Jack Lynch

Garret Fitzgerald
Charlie Haughey
Also in October, a number of men were arrested on the Dublin-Meath border after gardaí made what unusual underground discovery?
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A speakeasy
A drugs lab

A shooting range
A poitín distillery
NATO attacked a sovereign state for the first time in 1999: which one?
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Answer all the questions to see your result!
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Turtley awful
Shell of a bad effort
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What are ewe doing?
That was baaaad
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Clever cat
Almost purrfect
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Top dog
Paws-itively perfect
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