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Fermanagh security alert was elaborate hoax carried out by dissident republicans, gardaí say

The gardaí thanked the community in the Cavan and Monaghan border area for its understanding.

GARDAÍ HAVE SAID that a security alert in Co Fermanagh was an elaborate hoax carried out by a so-called dissident republican gang.

The PSNI launched a significant public safety operation after a member of the public discovered a suspicious device in Rosslea on Monday night.

Police forces from both sides of the border allocated significant resources to investigating the incident. They now believe the hoax was the work of a so-called dissident republican gang.

“Significant garda and PSNI resources, which were badly needed elsewhere to support and assist communities during these challenging times for us all, were diverted to manage and support the policing response,” the gardaí said in a statement.

Speaking after the policing operation, Deputy Commissioner John Twomey said:

This egotistical act is yet again proof that these tiny groupings care nothing for the local community or the people of this island.

“An Garda Síochána will continue to work effectively and collaboratively with our PSNI colleagues in targeting individuals involved in dissident republican criminality.

The deputy commissioner added that An Garda Síochána is grateful to the community in the Monaghan and Cavan border area for its understanding over the duration of this operation.

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