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kenny vs varadkar

Sofa Watch: The Late Late is finished for the summer - but Pat's back on TV for a 'big interview'

All you need to know about your Irish and international chat show options.

DESPITE THE NEWS of easing restrictions, our weekends in front of the TV are not ending just yet. 

Although there’s no shortage of content to stream online, sometimes you just want to hear a familiar face talk about their time in lockdown, or discuss some Hollywood gossip. 

Here’s our latest round-up of talk show content from the week and what will be on tonight. There should be plenty here to keep anyone occupied.  

Kenny vs Varadkar  

  • Virgin Media One, 9pm 

Pat Kenny will be back on our screens tonight in a familiar Friday night slot – but it’s just a once-off. 

The former Late Late Show host will be sitting down with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar in an “exclusive interview” on Virgin Media One. 

His appearance comes as we prepare to enter ‘Phase Two Plus’ on Monday as part of the accelerated government roadmap. 

For all the fans of the British crime drama Vera, you’ll be disappointed to know that the late change to the schedule means the news season won’t be starting tonight as planned. 

Can I get an encore? 

  • The Late Late Show, RTÉ One, 9.35pm
  • The Graham Norton Show, BBC One, 10.45pm

If you do want more, after last week’s season finale of the Late Late Show, then you’ll be happy to know Ryan will be looking back on the life and times of the comedian Brendan Grace during a special tribute show. 

The show will feature clips of Brendan’s appearances on the programme over the years with former hosts Gay Byrne and Pat Kenny.  


Speaking of compilation shows, Graham Norton will be doing just that tonight after wrapping his show up last week.

The clip show will be looking back on some highlights from episodes recorded before the lockdown, back when ‘virtual sofa’ wasn’t a phrase we had to use. 

Daniel Radcliffe, Patrick Stewart, Hugh Laurie, Anna Kendrick and Emma Thompson are all due to make an appearance on tonight’s highlight reel. 

The Graham Norton Show / YouTube

Across the pond 

As their Irish counterparts head on their summer holidays, US talk show hosts have returned from their mid-term breaks. 

On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver dives into voting by mail in the US, why it’s necessary, and the fearmongering surrounding it.

A timely topic given Twitter flagged two of Trump’s tweets in which he claimed that mail-in voting would lead to what he called a “rigged election” this November.

The main focus of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert has been on the public outrage around the death of George Floyd and police brutality. Colbert chatted with comedian Keegan-Michael Key, rapper Killer Mike, and US Senator Cory Booker.

Late Night with Seth Meyers’ writer Amber Ruffin has been taking over a segment of the show all this week to tell personal stories about her run-in with the police as an African American woman. They are not good. 

Meanwhile, Mark Hammil joined Jimmy Kimmel to surprise a nurse working on the frontline in San Deigo. The Star Wars superfan was gifted with Hammil’s lightsaber, along with a cheque for $100,000. 

Jimmy Kimmel Live / YouTube


You might have had your fill of awkward celebrity Zoom interviews in the last few months, but at least the awkwardness in Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis is purposeful. 

The popular web-series is over ten years old now but lives on in the annals of YouTube.

Guests have ranged from former US President Barack Obama to Jon Ham, who was interviewed at the height of his Mad Men fame – a show about people in their early sixties. 

The web-series even had its own spin-off Netflix movie in which Galifianakis take a road trip to complete a series of high-profile celebrity interviews to restore his reputation after Will Ferrell uploads his chat show to YouTube, making him a viral laughingstock.

Funny Or Die / YouTube


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