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field hospital

Field hospital with 68 beds opens on the grounds of the University of Limerick

The facility can take patients from today.

A FIELD HOSPITAL constructed on the grounds of the University of Limerick has opened to help deal with overcrowding across the county’s healthcare facilities. 

The facility is a fully staffed hospital that will provide care for non-Covid patients who are fit for discharge from any of the acute hospitals but who would benefit from further rehabilitation.

The 68-bed facility is laid out in partitioned wards. It also includes a pharmacy, pantry, staff changing area, clinical treatment areas, two recreation areas, and four enclosed rooms. 

UL President Dr Des Fitzgerald, who first mooted the idea of a field hospital on the UL campus, said: “Limerick and our surrounding hinterland has fared relatively well in terms of a low number of confirmed cases and this is due in no small measure to a very strong regional partnership approach.

“Public and private organisations came together to support our hospital and care facilities across this region. It is this partnership approach that has also led to the establishment of the Mid-West Institute for Infectious Diseases at UL, which will serve our community in the short and long term against this and future pandemics.

Dr Fitzgerald added: “Unfortunately we are not going to be in a position to use our Arena facility in the way in which we normally would during Semester 1 of our next academic year. Repurposing the arena as a care facility allows UL to remain at the centre of our region’s response to this pandemic.

Speaking ahead of the arrival of the first patients to the facility, Colette Cowan, CEO of UL Hospitals Group said she was honoured to be present for the opening of the facility on the campus. 

“Our relationship with UL is important in improving standards of care in the region, as well as fostering education, clinical research and innovation.

“The Interim Care Facility will be a vital strategic element in UL Hospitals Group’s efforts to manage patient flow at a time when there is such significant demand for our services,” Cowan explained.

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