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Garda Press Office

Memorial plaques honouring Garda Colm Horkan unveiled in Roscommon

Colm Horkan was shot dead when he intervened in an unfolding incident on 17 June 2020.

TWO MEMORIAL PLAQUES honouring Detective Garda Colm Horkan have been unveiled at a ceremony in Castlerea, Co Roscommon this morning. 

Colm Horkan, aged 49, was shot dead in the town of Castlerea when he intervened in an incident unfolding close to the town’s Garda station on 17 June 2020. 

Two memorial plaques were unveiled today, one at the site where Garda Horkan lost his life, the second outside Castlerea Garda Station. 

Colm Horkan’s family paid tribute to him on the first anniversary of his death, saying “life will never be the same” as they remembered him as a “kind, thoughtful and a selflessly loyal gentleman” 

The family described him as a “proud, popular, respected member of An Garda Síochána who loved his job and wore the uniform with great pride while serving the community for over 25 years”.

Garda Commissioner Drew Harris said Horkan, who died while protecting the community he served, was the epitome of what every Garda should aspire to be.

“Colm will never be forgotten. Our thoughts today, and always, are with Colm’s family, friends and colleagues.” 

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