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The Daily Poll

Poll: Would you support a four-day work week?

Trials of a four-day working week in Iceland have been deemed an “overwhelming success”.

TRIALS OF a four-day working week in Iceland have been deemed an “overwhelming success” that led to many workers moving to shorter hours, researchers have said. 

The BBC reports the trials, in which workers were paid the same amount for shorter hours, took place between 2015 and 2019. Many of them moved from a 40 hour week to a 35 or 36 hour week.

Researchers found that productivity remained the same or improved in the majority of workplaces. 

A range of workplaces took part, including preschools, offices, social service providers, and hospitals.

Here, a trial programme aiming to allow employers to test the effectiveness of a four-day working week was launched last month.

Organisations engaging with the scheme will receive supports, training and mentoring on how to implement the concept successfully. Employees involved in the scheme will not experience any loss of pay.

So, today we want to know…Would you support a four-day work week?

Poll Results:

Yes (9593)
Yes, but only in some sectors (2221)
No (1355)
I'm not sure (266)

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