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Murder investigation launched over 22-year-old man's body found near Ashbourne

The man’s body was discovered wrapped in carpet on Saturday.

LAST UPDATE | 12 Dec 2022

GARDAÍ HAVE LAUNCHED a murder investigation following the violent death of a young man near Ashbourne, Meath over the weekend.

They have named the deceased as 22-year-old Mahamud Ily and have appealed for anyone who may have seen or spoken with Mahamud between 10am Friday 9th and Saturday afternoon to contact the investigating team at Ashbourne Garda Station. 

A forensic examination of the scene has been completed and a post mortem has also taken place, but the details are not being released.

Ily’s body was discovered on Saturday wrapped in a carpet by a passerby in Belgree Lane, Kilbride, around 7km from Ashbourne town itself.

As reported earlier today on The Journal, investigators believe the victim died a violent death. A post-mortem has since concluded but details are not being released. 

Gardaí suspect the man was killed at another location and his body was then brought to a dense woodland area where it was dumped.

A local walking their dog discovered the body and contacted the authorities.

Officers have yet to formally identify the man but he is understood to be in his mid-20s and a non-Irish national.

Gardaí are continuing to appeal for information over the discovery.

Early indications have suggested that this death is not linked to organised crime. However, security sources have told this publication that officers will have a “fuller picture” once an official identification of the body has taken place and the family of the deceased has been informed.

A garda spokesman said: “Investigating Gardaí are appealing for information. They are particularly appealing to anyone who travelled along Belgree Lane, Kilbride on Friday the 9th or Saturday 10th of December, to come forward. Motorists with dashcam footage from this location are asked to make it available to Gardaí.”

With reporting by Eoghan Dalton

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