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Image of Imelda Keenan.

Renewed appeal for information about the disappearance of Imelda Keenan

Imelda Keenan was last seen on 3 January 1994 walking on William Street in Waterford.

TOMORROW MARKS THE 30th anniversary of the disappearance of Imelda Keenan, a 22-year-old woman who was last seen on Monday 3 January 1994 in Waterford.

Gardaí in Waterford have continued to investigate the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the Co Laois woman.

Imelda left her apartment at 1.30pm and walked down William Street onto Lombard Road, according to gardaí. The last known sighting of her was at that time, where she was seen crossing the road by a secretary who knew her.

On the day she went missing, Imelda had informed her boyfriend that she was going to the post office in the town. The secretary saw Imelda crossing the road at the corner of the Tower Hotel and Lombard Street.

Imelda was reported missing by her brother Edward the next day.

Imelda Keenan Imelda Keenan (left) when she went missing and what gardaí believe she may have looked like in her 30s (right).

Despite the continued investigation, there have been no further confirmed sightings of Imelda.

Gardaí and Imelda’s family are now appealing for people to come forward to assist with the investigation and encourage anyone with information, no matter how insignificant it may seem, to come forward to them.

Gardaí can be contacted at Waterford Garda Station on (051) 305 300, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111, or any Garda Station.

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