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All time
Some of the world's fittest athletes are coming to Ireland next month
They're cheaper than a lot of places - but is Aldi's cycling kit any good?
This madman is cycling 1,250km home from Spain to see his club in a Cork county final
Former Kerry star's €10k treble now hangs on Sunday's All-Ireland final
The shock results that shook the Rugby World Cup
The 10 greatest games the World Cup has seen
Having a flutter? Here's 10 interesting bets for the Rugby World Cup
Sergiu Ciobanu, the Moldovan-born athlete aiming to represent Ireland in Rio next year
Power meters for bikes - why they're all the rage
What is the purpose of going for an 'easy' run?
'I've ridden up the Hill of Tara 65 times non-stop on a mountain bike'
Bitten by dogs in Bosnia, hit by a car in Bulgaria - this Irishman completed an epic adventure race
3 ways to make your planks a lot harder - and get better results
Give this brutal chest workout a try
'I woke up 3 hours later covered in ice, down my pants, I’ve no recollection of it'
An outstanding energy bar recipe with less than five ingredients
The 5-ab exercise to transform your core
Irish cycling fans ready to turn Tour de France's most famous climb green - again
Want to be quicker off the mark? Try this explosive power workout
Are you wasting protein (and money) by using too much?
The Irish team who battled heat stroke and sleep deprivation to ride across America
Need some gym inspiration? Here’s a quality upper body session
Self-massage for amateur athletes... A waste of time or not?
The all-round fitness circuit that requires just a medicine ball
Get your ass in gear with this simple glutes routine
Got 10 minutes? Try this spicy omelette for breakfast
Want to work your core? Here are 6 great TRX exercises to do the job
Need some gym inspiration? Here's a short, painful session
Who are the Irish hopes in this year's Tour de France?
Can you eat whatever you like after a hard gym session?
How many of these nutrition myths do you still believe?
Ever wondered what those straps in the gym were for? Here are 5 lower body TRX exercises
5 things that secretly annoy all cyclists
The importance of micronutrients for sportspeople
What is your ITB band and why is it so important to stretch?
Some stuff you should know before you go BBQ mad this summer...
Caught for time to get to the gym? Try these 9 things
The easiest and tastiest pre-training pancake recipe...
The 5 golden rules of riding in a group
Training today? Get this awesome post-exercise recovery shake down you