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Chris Radburn/PA Wire/Press Association Images
The Daily Poll

Poll: Which coalition option would you most support?

If any, that is.

WITH JUST TEN seats to fill, it’s impossible that any party will carry a majority in the next Dáil.

So the talk now turns to forming a coalition, a minority government or another election.

Which would you like to see?

We’re asking: Which coalition option would you most support?

Poll Results:

Another election (6743)
FG/FF (5829)
FF/SF/Greens/SD/Inds (4260)
FG/Lab/Inds/SD (3521)
Minority government (3447)
FF/Greens/Lab/SD/Inds (2419)
FG/SF/Lab (858)

Read: In or out: What happened to the Fine Gael and Labour ministers?

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