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cork commuter line

Planning underway for 8 new commuter train stations in Cork

The plans will also include the electrification of the Cork Commuter network.

A PLANNING CONTRACT has been awarded for the creation of eight new commuter railway stations in Cork.

The new stations will spread across the Cobh, Midleton and Mallow lines. A new depot will also be built and the rail network will be electrified.

Ireland’s railway operator Iarnród Éireann, along with consultants, will design and develop the plan for the new stations, depot, electrification and infrastructure and will then apply for a Railway Order (the equivalent of planning permission) by the end of next year.

The project is Funded by the National Transport Authority under Project Ireland 2040. The contract has been awarded to planning consultants TYPSA and Roughan O’Donovan.

The plans include new stations at Blackpool, Monard, Tivoli, Carrigtwohill West, Waterrock, Ballynoe, Blarney and Dunkettle.

It is planned that the new fleet maintenance depot will cater for a new electrified fleet of up to 150 carriages. Iarnród Éireann said that design development and review will take place before the depot location is confirmed.

The plans will also include the electrification of the Cork Commuter network and upgrading nine existing commuter stations on the Cork network.

The rail service said that the upgrades will add to the existing rail projects already underway and lead to better rail services for more places, with trains up to ever 10 minutes on all three commuter lines -  Cork to Cobh, Midleton and Mallow. 

The plans will complement significant works already underway, such as:

  • A new through platform at Kent Station (due for completion by the end of year)
  • Signalling and communications upgrade: facilitating the 10-minute frequency on all three commuter lines (expected to be complete by the end of 2026)
  • Glounthaune to Midleton twin-track (expected completion by the end of 2026).

In a statement, Transport Éamon Ryan said that the Cork Area Commuter Rail Programme “represents the largest investment in the rail network in Cork undertaken by the State”.

“With new services and increased capacity nationally, we are already seeing a real resurgence in the numbers of people choosing to use the train.

This is not just good for rail users themselves but it’s also good for everyone travelling because it means less cars on our roads, and less congestion, so everyone’s a winner with rail. 

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