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Leah Farrell/RN
latest figures

Coronavirus: 52 deaths and 866 new cases confirmed in Ireland

Public health officials confirmed the latest figures this evening.

A FURTHER 866 cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed in Ireland, according to the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET).

The latest figures announced this evening said that a further 52 people with Covid-19 have also died.  Of these deaths, 33 occurred in February, 12 in January, six in December or earlier, while one is still under investigation.

The median age of those who died was 83 years and the age range was 55 to 96 years.

The death toll from Covid-19 in Ireland now stands at 3,846 and the total number of confirmed cases is at 206,801. 

Of the cases notified today:

  • 401 are men / 463 are women
  • 65% are under 45 years of age
  • The median age is 35 years old
  • 281 in Dublin, 63 in Galway, 56 in Kildare, 47 in Meath, 39 in Cork and the remaining 380 cases are spread across all other counties.

As of 8am today, 984 Covid-19 patients are hospitalised, of which 172 are in ICU. 

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronan Glynn said NPHET is “cautiously optimistic” about the epidemiological situation across the country but said it is vital people stay home where possible. 

“This positive momentum has been achieved through the dedication of people across the country in recent weeks. However, incidence and mortality rates are still very high, and the significant risk of community transmission of the virus remains, especially for those most vulnerable to Covid-19 infection,” Glynn said. 

“It is of vital importance that people continue to stay at home and to work from home where at all possible.” 


Chair of the NPHET Irish Epidemiological Modelling Advisory Group Professor Philip Nolan said the country is back in the containment phase of the pandemic but raised concern over the positivity rates among household contacts, which is close to 30%.

“This is a timely reminder to us all to immediately isolate ourselves if we have any symptoms, to protect those most important to us. We should also continue to limit our social contacts. Do not visit another person’s household unless you are providing essential care,” said Nolan. 

As of February 8, 242,353 doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been administered in Ireland. NPHET said that 154,900 people have received their first dose while 88,453 people have received their second dose.


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