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Darkness Into Light 2024 in Greystones, Wicklow Suzy Freeman/INPHO
Pieta House

Tens of thousands take part in Darkness Into Light

Some 100,000 people are estimated to have attended events around the country.


TENS OF THOUSANDS of people have taken part in the annual Darkness Into Light fundraiser this morning in support of suicide and self-harm prevention charity Pieta House.

Various Darkness Into Light events took place in dozens of locations in Ireland and 14 other countries this morning. The events kicked off at around 4.15am. 

Some 100,000 people are estimated to have attended events around the country.

People took part by walking, running, wheeling, cycling and swimming as dawn broke. 

One of the biggest events took place in Phoenix Park in Dublin, with about 10,000 people in attendance.

particpants-during-the-walk-this-morning-in-phoenix-park Darkness Into Light 2024, Phoenix Park in Dublin

participants-at-the-start-of-the-event Darkness Into Light 2024, Phoenix Park in Dublin

eddie-mcguinness Darkness Into Light 2024, Phoenix Park in Dublin

una-duffy-and-aoife-mccarthy-from-monaghan Darkness Into Light 2024, University College Cork Laszlo Geczo / INPHO Laszlo Geczo / INPHO / INPHO

Last year’s events raised over €4 million for Pieta. This money helped to fund 100,000 helpline calls and texts, 50,946 counselling hours and 6,865 unique therapy journeys. 

Darkness Into Light began in 2009, when 400 people set off in the Phoenix Park in Dublin on a 5km walk to raise funds for Pieta.

Contains reporting by Órla Ryan

If you have been affected by any of the issues mentioned in this article, you can reach out for support through the following helplines. These organisations also put people in touch with long-term supports:

  • Samaritans - 116 123 or email
  • Text About It – text HELLO to 50808 (mental health issues)
  • Aware - 1800 80 48 48 (depression, anxiety)
  • Pieta House – 1800 247 247 or text HELP to 51444 – (suicide, self-harm)
  • Teen-Line Ireland – 1800 833 634 (for ages 13 to 19)
  • Childline – 1800 66 66 66 (for under 18s)

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