We need your help now

Support from readers like you keeps The Journal open.

You are visiting us because we have something you value. Independent, unbiased news that tells the truth. Advertising revenue goes some way to support our mission, but this year it has not been enough.

If you've seen value in our reporting, please contribute what you can, so we can continue to produce accurate and meaningful journalism. For everyone who needs it.

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Have Your Say: Tell us what you think of The Journal

We’re running a series of surveys over the coming weeks and we are keen to know your thoughts.

YOUR OPINION IS important to us.

At The Journal, we provide open access to quality journalism for every online news consumer in Ireland, equipping our readers to make informed decisions on those issues which impact their lives.

We provide you with the facts to make up your own minds, but now we are asking to hear your opinion to help us continue to provide comprehensive, insightful and exciting content across The Journal and our other platforms.

That’s why we’re running a series of surveys over the coming weeks and we are keen to know your thoughts on our content as well as areas you would love to see us cover more often.

The survey takes less than five minutes to complete and in filling it out, you are helping The Journal to continue to deliver informative, timely, contextualised news coverage and features, in creative and innovative ways. If you see other surveys in the coming weeks, we would appreciate it if you could complete them as well.

We know your time is valuable, so as a thank you for taking part in this survey we’re giving away a €100 JustEat voucher to one entrant. To enter all you have to do is fill in your details in the survey when prompted. If you want to take the survey but you don’t want the voucher, that’s okay too, simply skip that page and continue on with the survey.