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Win €1000

WIN: €1,000 to spend on your house

We want to know.

MAYBE IT’S FINALLY getting rid of those grubby cabinets that came with the house when you moved in, or maybe it’s making a proper go of landscaping the garden.

Whatever the pet project, lots of us have a list of potential home improvements tucked away somewhere.

Life often gets in the way, though – it can be hard to find not only the time but also the resources to get down to basics with that obstreperous boiler or fix the skirting boards the way you’d always intended.

  • Well, if money is the barrier holding you back from your dream house, then you’re in luck. Bank of Ireland is offering a €1,000 cash prize to spend on your house - all you have to do is let them know what the first thing you would do with your €1K is…

Let Bank of Ireland know what the first thing you’d do with that €1,000 is…