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"Asking for those who can't" - The DSPCA needs your help this Christmas

Return the love to our furry friends by being a good human in December.

GIVING A VOICE to those who can’t call out for help is what the DSPCA does every day of every year.  

They rescue, rehabilitate and rehome sick, injured and cruelly treated animals. They give life to animals who need it, bringing immeasurable joy and happiness to the animals as well the homes that rehouse the rescued animals. 

Operating for over 180 years, the DSPCA has carried out immensely valuable work since its inception. Not only does it take care of animals in need, but it also educates 150,000 people every year on animal welfare. It is striving to create a better and brighter world for animals by changing how they are treated by us. 

Many animals come to the DSPCA in dire need of care. Previous owners have mistreated them, leaving them scared, helpless and vulnerable. The care provided by the DSPCA changes the lives of so many animals that desperately need it.

To continue its vital mission, the DSPCA needs your help. As Christmas is often the time when many of us take the opportunity to appreciate what we have in our lives and to give back, the DSPCA is asking you for donations this festive season.

happychristmaspetdogpuppywithsantahat-holidaybackground Donate to the DSPCA this Christmas. Shutterstock / Reddogs Shutterstock / Reddogs / Reddogs

The DSPCA is asking us to return the love and affection our pets show us day in and day out (those who own cats know that this can be done in slightly unusual ways). Speaking on behalf of animals, they ask us to be a good human and share love, kindness and care by donating today.

Due to its extraordinary history and expert knowledge, the DSPCA knows how to put every cent donated to the best use possible. Donations will ensure that it can continue to carry out essential rescues and provide shelter and medical care for all animals who need it.

The charity is currently based in Rathfarnham, where you can find dog and cat rehoming centres, stables, small animal areas, a perimeter walk and a pet memorial garden on-site.  

Our-Service_dspca The DSPCA site in Rathfarnham.

The DSPCA shelter helps over 3,000 animals every year from cats and dogs to horses, rabbits, snakes and more. But the shelter is at maximum capacity. These animals are all deserving of care and attention, which can only be achieved with your donations. Without a voice of their own, their message can be lost without the help and support of the public.

Donating a small amount each month to the charity and becoming a monthly supporter is a great way to help the DSPCA continue its life-saving work. You can also make a once-off donation to support the important work they carry out.

Donations are not the only way to help the DSPCA. You can arrange fundraising events for the charity, or even further, adopt one of the many animals that deserve a happy home. 

The DSPCA shop is another excellent way to give to the charity. You can find perfect Christmas gifts for family and friends, as well as merchandise and animal accessories for those with pets at home. 

Or if you’re in a festive mood, you can visit Santa at the DSPCA this weekend along with your pets and family!

By asking us to be a ‘good human’ and donate this Christmas, the animals in the care of the DSPCA will enjoy a longer and enriched life. Just as animals help to do the same for us.

Donate to the DSPCA here.