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All time
SARS-like virus claims 65-year-old French victim
Uh-oh: UN says it's impossible to predict spread of new bird flu
Deadly new virus sparks call for 'urgent actions' to prevent spread
SARS-like virus kills 5 people in Saudi Arabia
People urged to get blood pressure checked on World Health Day
Worldwide fears over drug-resistant tuberculosis
20 per cent think people with mental health problems are 'of below average intelligence'
World Health Organisation: diesel fumes cause cancer
WHO warns urgent action needed to prevent spread of 'untreatable' gonorrhoea
Wash your hands: Irish start-up aims to beat hospital superbugs worldwide
Healthier lifestyles should be encouraged as world's population ages - WHO
Column: Reforming our relationship with food can start in schools
Frank Armstrong
WHO delays decision on releasing new bird flu research
The Daily Fix: Monday
Cork is a 'healthy city', says World Health Organisation
Unsafe abortions increasing in developing countries - study
Syrian tanks fire on Homs, defy Arab-brokered deal
Death toll from US listeria outbreak rises to 18
Gallery: The world's most polluted cities
Over 60 per cent of deaths in 2008 caused by cardiovascular diseases and cancers
Smoking is bigger risk for women than men, says new study
Germany optimistic about falling E.coli infections
Deadly E.coli outbreak caused by new strain, says WHO
Mobile phones possibly carcinogenic, according to group of international experts
Destruction of final smallpox virus stocks deferred for three years
Around 190 million work days lost every year in EU because of migraine
Ireland's biggest drinkers live in Louth and Dublin, according to survey
Poll: Do you use your mobile while driving?
The Daily Fix: Thursday
WHO's response to swine flu pandemic was 'flawed'
Alcohol kills around 2.5 million people every year: WHO report
One in ten adults in the world is obese
Passive smoking kills 600,000 every year