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Property News
This week’s vital property news: Some good news for house hunters, plus the building of the year
Now you can design and shape a bookshelf before ordering it online
Viewings this Weekend
Five properties to view this weekend… over €795,000
Five properties to view this weekend… under €795,000
Homes for Sale
What else could I get for... the €725,000 pricetag on this former hunting lodge in Leitrim
The 8 best homes in the capital
Here are the best properties inside the M50
Take 4: Homes for every budget
The 8 best homes outside of Dublin
Here are the best properties around the rest of the country
This picture-perfect Dublin house is fit for a fairytale
Around the House
Shopping with the kids is a nightmare, right? Not in Japan.
Environmentally friendly concrete makes for a striking modern extension
A beginner's guide to wheelie bin etiquette (plus how to store them)