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The 9 at 9 Here’s what’s happening today.

LAST UPDATE | 17 Dec 2018

EVERY MORNING brings you all the news you need to know as you start the day.

1. #PPS: The government has opened a three-month public consultation today to ask whether you would be okay with your PPS number being used to reform the electoral register. 

2. #BREXIT: Theresa May will warn MPs that a second Brexit referendum would do “irreparable damage” to British politics when she addresses the House of Commons today.

3. #ROSCOMMON: Local TDs have condemned an attack on a property in Roscommon over the weekend, which left eight people injured and caused significant damage. 

4. #REPTILES: University College Cork researchers have made a discovery that has shifted our knowledge about the origin of feathers back about 70 million years.

5. #RAPE: Convicted rapist Patrick Nevin will be sentenced today for attacks on two women he met via dating app Tinder. 

6. SAUDI: Saudi Arabia has slammed US Senate resolutions over its war in Yemen and critic Jamal Khashoggi’s murder as “interference”. 

7. #HOTELS: A survey has found that nine in 10 Irish hoteliers are concerned about the impact of Brexit on their business next year, according to RTÉ

8. #ARSON: Gardaí investigating a number of arson attacks against current members of the Quinn Industrial Holdings business as well as their family members have received information implicating two republicans in the crime. 

9. #ALLEGATIONS: Academy award-winner Geoffrey Rush is facing fresh allegations of inappropriate behaviour by an actress.

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