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week in numbers

How much is the average asking price for new homes nationally? It's the week in numbers

Plus: The number of people recorded as living in emergency accommodation last month.

EVERY WEEK, offers a selection of statistics and numerical nuggets to help you digest the week that has just passed.

10,264: The number of people who were recorded as living in emergency accommodation in Ireland in February. 

8: The number of motions MPs voted against in the House of Commons in an attempt to indicate a majority for what type of Brexit they wanted.

€271,000: How much the median asking price for new home sales nationally were in the first quarter of the year. 

2: The number of new areas of the country that have this week met the criteria to become Rent Pressure Zones.

€11,850: How much a deli worker was awarded after claiming her manager sexually harassed her. 

€9.6 million: This was the cost of providing “out-of-cycle” smear tests, according to the Department of Health. 

619: The number of people in the queue or carpark at the hotel in Cookstown where three teenagers died following a crush on St Patrick’s Day. 

30,000: The number of submissions received by the National Transport Authority on the BusConnects plan

€101,737: How much has been paid out in compensation to two families of prisoners who died from self-inflicted injuries while in custody in recent years. 

58,000: The number of cigarettes seized by Revenue officers during a search of a cargo vessel at a Waterford Port.

90: The age the pioneering feminist filmmaker Agnes Varda was when she died this week.

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