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The 9 at 9 Here’s all the news you need to know as you start your Sunday.

EVERY MORNING, brings you all the news you need to know as you start the day.

1. #JOHN DELANEY: The Executive Vice-President of the FAI has resigned with immediate effect. 

2. #DONALD TRUMP: The White House severely restricted distribution of memos detailing the US President’s calls with foreign leaders.

3. #BETTING: The Minister for Finance has said there is “insufficient legal certainty” to change how the State taxes the gambling sector.

4. #BREXIT: The Tory Party conference is kicking off in Manchester today as Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces down controversy on several fronts. 

5. #BREXIT 2.0: As Johnson heads to Manchester, we’ve taken a look at why Brexiteers see the backstop as a “non-story”. 

6. #MEXICO: Two people have died in a rollercoaster accident in Mexico City. 

7. #ROBERT MUGABE: The body of Zimbabwe’s former president has been buried in his rural village of Kutama.

8. #PROTEST: Thousands of former servicemen brought parts of central London to a standstill in protest against the prosecution of ‘Soldier F’ for his alleged role in the Bloody Sunday massacre.

9. #FORECAST: After a blustery night skies will gradually brighten today bringing increasing sunny spells and a scattering of showers.

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