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Learner Driver

Learner driver has car seized after speeding with expired permit and no L plate

The Garda Roads Policing Unit stopped the car for a speeding offence in Roscommon town.

A LEARNER DRIVER in Roscommon has had their car seized after being caught driving with an expired learner permit and no L plate. 

The Garda Roads Policing Unit stopped the car for a speeding offence in Roscommon town. 

The learner driver was found to have an expired learner permit. 

The motorist had no L plate, no insurance and had no qualified driver with them. 

Gardaí seized the car. 

Court proceedings are to follow, according to gardaí. 

Meanwhile, the Naas Roads Policing Unit has arrested a driver who was stopped on suspicion of drink driving. 

The gardaí discovered the motorist had no insurance and no tax. 

The driver was arrested and the car was seized by gardaí. Court proceedings are to follow. 

Clancy amendment 

On 22 December 2018, the unaccompanied learner driver provisions of the Road Traffic Amendment Act 2018, known as the Clancy Amendment, came into effect. 

These new provisions make it an offence for the owner of a vehicle to knowingly allow an unaccompanied learner or an unlicensed person to drive his or her vehicle. 

The provisions also extend the power of detention under section 41 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 to allow the Garda Síochána to detain a vehicle being driven, in the Garda’s opinion, by an unaccompanied learner.

Comments are closed as legal proceedings are ongoing

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