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RTÉ's Brian O'Donovan to leave Washington for new role as Work and Technology Correspondent

O’Donovan takes over the new post in February, which was created after the retirement of Ingrid Miley in June

RTÉ’S WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT Brian O’Donovan is set to return to Ireland to take up the role of Work and Technology Correspondent for the broadcaster early next year.

O’Donovan, who has been in Washington covering the US since January 2018, will take up the role, which replaces the Employment and Industry correspondent role previously held by Ingrid Miley, who retired in June.

He will take up the post in February 2022.

In a statement this afternoon, RTÉ said O’Donovan will be reporting on the working lives of people and how they are changing with developments in technology.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a complete re-imagining of how we all work and technology has allowed us to make these major transitions,” O’Donovan said.

“As people navigate their way through the ‘new normal’, I am excited to be taking on the role of Work and Technology Correspondent, a position that will be at the centre of RTÉ’s coverage of our changing world.”

O’Donovan first joined RTÉ in 2015, previously working as a news correspondent and documentary maker in TV3. 

In recent years as Washington Correspondent, he has covered two presidential impeachments, a presidential election, the Covid-19 crisis in the US, the Black Lives Matter protest movement and the storming of the US Capitol on 6 January.

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