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Patrick O'Brien (L) and John Brooklyn O'Brien (R) An Garda Síochána

Family and Gardaí concerned for welfare of brothers missing from Offaly

The two boys have been missing from their home in Birr since Sunday 27 March

GARDAÍ ARE SEEKING information on the whereabouts of two brothers who have been missing from Co Offaly since late March.

15-year-old Patrick O’Brien and 16-year-old John Brooklyn O’Brien have been missing from their home in Birr, Co Offaly since Sunday 27 March.

The two boys both left home at approximately 5pm that afternoon.

Patrick is described as being 5′ 11″ in height, of medium build with short brown hair and brown eyes. When he was last seen he was wearing a black tracksuit top with tracksuit bottoms and black Nike runners.

John Brooklyn is described as being 6’2″ in height, of medium build and has black hair and brown eyes. When he was last seen he was wearing a black tracksuit top with black tracksuit bottoms and green Nike runners.

Gardaí believe that the two boys may be in the Edenderry or Carbury areas.

The family of Patrick and John Brooklyn are concerned for the two boy’s welfare.

Anyone with information on the brother’s whereabouts is asked to contact Birr Garda Station on (057) 9169710, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111, or any Garda Station.

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