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Bambie Thug during their semi-final performance in Malmo this month. Alamy
crown the witch

Bambie Thug announces 28-city European tour after successful Eurovision appearance

Bambie Thug will finish their three-month tour in Cork on 7 November.

BAMBIE THUG HAS announced a 28-city tour around Europe after their successful Eurovision appearance on behalf of Ireland earlier this month.

The popular singer, who placed sixth place at the Eurovision song contest in Malmo, Sweden this month, will begin their tour in Brighton on 30 August and finish up in their home county of Cork on 7 November.

They will visit a total of 20 European countries and play in some iconic venues across the continent over the course of the three-month tour, including back-to-back shows Heaven in London and Melkweg Oz in Amsterdam.

Bambie Thug, who placed the second-highest out of any Irish artist who has qualified for the Eurovision final since 2000, announced their shows on Twitter this afternoon. The tour dons the same name as their slogan during the Eurovision, ‘Crown the Witch’.

They will finish up the tour in Ireland, with their last three shows set to take place in The Academy in Dublin on 31 October, Róisín Dubh in Galway on 2 November and Cork City Hall in Cork on 7 November.

Bambie Thug’s Eurovision entry, ‘Doomsday Blue’, proved to be very popular with the public and reached the top 40 in Ireland and landed in the top 10 of the Global Viral 50 on Spotify.

The song currently has over 3 million views on YouTube and over 12 million listens on Spotify.

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