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4 of a kind

4 of a kind: Spacious family homes with his-and-hers bathrooms

From a modern four-bed in Galway to a beautiful house in Naul.

IF YOU OFTEN find yourself stuck for shelf space in your bathroom, or arguing with your partner for leaving their products out, his-and-hers sinks could be the solution. 

This week we’re looking at four homes around the country with spacious bathrooms with double sinks, from a modern four-bed in Galway to a beautiful house in Naul.

Menlo, Co Galway – €880,000

With 4,000 sq ft of accommodation, four bedrooms and four bathrooms, shortage of space will never be an issue at this detached bungalow. The property sits on 1.7 acres of manicured laws and gardens, including a large patio and BBQ area.

Features throughout the home include solid walnut floors, extra high ceilings, multiple picture windows and large living areas, while the en suite bathroom from the master bedroom benefits from double sinks. Depending on traffic, Galway city centre can be reached in 10 minutes.

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Downings, Co Donegal – €450,000

Located adjacent to Rosapenna Golf Course and with a number of beaches just a short stroll away, this four-bed property is the ideal coastal home. Built just eight years ago, the house comes to the market in turn-key condition with features including views over Mulroy Bay, solid oak flooring and solar panels.

The kitchen and dining area is particularly impressive, with porcelain tiled floors, granite worktops and extensive built-in units. There are beautiful views of the bay from here, and from the spacious sunroom. In the main en suite bathroom, there are double sinks, a jacuzzi bath and a walk-in shower.

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Naul, Co Dublin – €750,000

Built circa 1740, The Mill House is a truly special property. The house was completely upgraded, modernised and extended in 2000 to create a beautiful four-bedroom home, yet still retains many of its original features including high ceilings, sash windows and exposed stone walls.

Each of the bedrooms at The Mill House are similar to what you would find at a boutique hotel, while the family bathroom feels like an at-home spa thanks to the his-and-hers sinks, jacuzzi bath and double shower.

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Letterkenny, Co Donegal – €375,000

Located in the heart of Letterkenny, 50 Ard O’Donnell is a contemporary property with plenty of appeal. The three-bed townhouse has operated as tourist accommodation for the past five years, but the inviting interior and layout mean the property could easily be used as a family home.

The residence was renovated in 2014, making for a modern and unique place to call ‘home’.  The first floor is by far the most impressive, with the open-plan kitchen and living area, formal sitting and dining room, master bedroom here. The master bedroom boasts its own private roof terrace, as well as an en suite bathroom with double sinks.

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