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The incident, which took place during the early hours of Monday morning, occurred in Castleknock, Dublin 15. Alamy Stock Photos

Man arrested after garda was hospitalised having been struck by a car in Castleknock this week

The garda has since been discharged from hospital and is off duty for the time being.

A MAN HAS been arrested in connection with an ongoing investigation into an incident which left a garda hospitalised after he was struck by a car while attempting to make an arrest.

The incident, which took place during the early hours of Monday morning, occurred in Castleknock, Dublin 15. The garda has since been discharged from hospital and is off duty for the time being.

The garda was outside of his patrol car and trying to affect an arrest when a male assailant struck him with the vehicle shortly before 1 am. The man then went on to ram multiple garda patrol vehicles as he attempted to flee the area.

The assailant was allegedly armed with a blade.

A statement from gardaí today said one man has since been arrested this morning in relation to an investigation into the incident.

The man, aged in his 30s, was is currently being detained at a garda station in the Dublin region.

Garda Mark Ferris of the Garda Representative Association, which represents rank-and-file gardaí, told The Journal on Monday that it was “deeply regrettable” that a young garda had been injured while on duty, in a situation that could have proved to be lethal.

He said that the Garda who was attacked left hospital today, and that he is “in shock” following the incident.

“Unfortunately it’s too often the case that there simply are not enough Gardaí to protect their colleagues when they come under attack,” Ferris added.

Investigations into the incident remain ongoing.

Additional reporting by Eimer McAuley

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