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# medical care

This week
21st July 2024 - 27th July 2024
Patient care: Hospital staff did their best for my father but the resources aren't there
Nick McGinley
Last year
Analysis: Our new figures show we now need a national conversation about home care
Joseph Musgrave
Opinion: 'The Viagra was handed to me as though it were a live bomb'
Bob Mc Quaid
Opinion: Talking about mental health is fine but isn't it time we discussed mental illness?
Nicola Byrne
Therapist: Right or wrong, recreational drug use is part of the festival experience
Michael Ledden
All time
Opinion: Communication is key for families facing decisions around palliative care
Dr Geraldine Foley
Opinion: Proposed changes to the Mental Health Act must prioritise human rights
Advocates for Human Rights in Mental Health Care
Historian: Our distrust of religious institutions with healthcare is rooted in the past
Dr Sarah-Anne Buckley
'Slow drive' Dublin protest as young GPs say 'they will not stay in the country' under current contract
Health Minister agrees to meet with women affected by vaginal mesh complications
Terminally ill baby boy at London hospital must be kept alive until at least Tuesday, court rules
Family of girl who suffered cerebral palsy at birth: 'Hospital apology is utterly meaningless'
Here's what the inquiry into the 'Ms Y' abortion case will look at
Open thread: What's your experience with hospital overcrowding?
Irish people going blind waiting for cataract surgery
Column: What's happening in the Central African Republic?
Jane-Ann McKenna
Column: People in the Philippines are desperate, stunned and hopeless
Dr Natasha Reyes
Column: NCHD working hours are part of a bigger picture for young Irish workers
Dan Hayden and Dr Antoine Murray
Column: Happy 60th Birthday to the science that makes transplantation work
Daniel M. Davis
Column: Why league tables for doctors – but not schools?
Kevin Denny
HSE spend on new primary care centres falls
GPs have this stark warning for their former colleague James Reilly...
150 doctors write to Obama offering services to Guantánamo hunger strikers
HSE urges public to 'look after health' given hospital crowding
Laya Healthcare customers facing premium hike of up to 13%
Arthritic man robs $1 from bank – so he can get healthcare in jail
Ivory Coast violence threatens access to medical care