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Aurora Borealis

PHOTOS: Northern Lights visible over Ireland in stunning display

The aurora borealis was exceptionally clear in some areas.


THE NORTHERN LIGHTS, also known as aurora borealis, were visible over Ireland last night in a stunning display.

Skygazers across the country revelled in the lights which were exceptionally clear in some areas.

Met Éireann forecaster Andrew Doran Sherlock yesterday said that those in northern and western counties, including Donegal, Sligo, and Mayo, were most likely to witness the phenomenon – but people saw them across the country.

Aurora borealis occurs as a result of charged particles from the sun launched along Earth’s magnetic field colliding with gases in Earth’s upper atmosphere.

The colour of the lights depends on the type of gas particles colliding.

The Journal / YouTube

We’ve a round-up of some incredible photos below.

If you want to share your images for publication, please email them to with your name and location.

If you didn’t see the lights last night, there is another chance to see them tonight depending on how clear the sky is later. 


NR 3_1 Nicky Ryan Nicky Ryan

NR 1_1 Nicky Ryan Nicky Ryan

NR 4_1 Nicky Ryan Nicky Ryan

image1 (1) David Connaire David Connaire


unnamed (5) Eimear O'Grady and Larry O'Grady Eimear O'Grady and Larry O'Grady

unnamed (6) Eimear O'Grady and Larry O'Grady Eimear O'Grady and Larry O'Grady

20240510_232053 Alister Ross Alister Ross

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frank 1 Frank Milling Frank Milling

frank 2 Frank Milling Frank Milling


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1000009943 Órla Ryan Órla Ryan

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20240510_233657-01 (1) James Grandfield James Grandfield

20240511_000144-01 (1) James Grandfield James Grandfield

20240510_234125-01 James Grandfield James Grandfield


unnamed (7) Gerard Moran Gerard Moran

unnamed (8) Gerard Moran Gerard Moran


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jenn2 Jenn Barrett Jenn Barrett


IMG_5764 Lauren Boland Lauren Boland

IMG_4927 Christine Bohan Christine Bohan

IMG_8784 Susan Daly Susan Daly

image1 Darren Martin Darren Martin

IMG_6102 Colin McElarney Colin McElarney


IMG_7663 Helena Harnett Helena Harnett

IMG_7659 Helena Harnett Helena Harnett

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