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4 of a kind

4 of a kind: Modern homes with multifunctional open-plan designs

From a three-bed with views of Killary Fjord to a family home in Wicklow.

WHETHER IT’S FOR homework, dinner with friends or sitting down with a cuppa after a long day, open-plan spaces have become hugely popular in modern homes thanks to their multifunctional offering.

This week we’re looking at four homes with open-plan spaces around the country – from a three-bed with views of Killary Fjord to a family home in Wicklow.

Leenane, Co Galway – €725,000

Overlooking the beautiful Killary Fjord from an elevated site, Killary View is a slice of paradise. There’s a spacious deck and BBQ area to the side, making for the perfect spot to sit and enjoy the sight of the surrounding mountains and water.

The open plan kitchen, living and dining area is the heart of the home, with double height ceilings, hardwood floors and a multi-fuel stove with a feature stone surround. There are two double bedrooms on the ground floor, while the master suite is at mezzanine level.

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Keatingstown, Co Wicklow – €595,000

Built in 2017, 5 Abbey Way is an attractive four-bed family home. It comes to the market in turn-key condition, with features including porcelain tiled floors, a wood-burning stove and a large rear garden.

The open plan kitchen, dining and living area is bright and airy, while there’s also a spacious separate sitting room. Views of the Wicklow coastline can be enjoyed from the front garden, which benefits from a quiet cul de sac location.

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Douglas, Co Cork – €320,000

Located a 10-minute walk from the heart of Douglas village, 61 Belgard Downs offers more than meets the eye. The end-of-terrace three-bed features a modern interior with an open plan living, kitchen and dining area on the ground floor. The living area is designed to feel as if it’s a room of its own thanks to clever zoning.

Floor-to-ceiling windows and glass doors fill the entire room with natural light, with a private patio area to the rear. No 61 benefits from a new high efficiency gas boiler and wood-burning stove, allowing for a B3 Building Energy Rating.

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Monasterboice, Co Louth – €650,000

Positioned on an elevated site of almost one acre in the Co Louth countryside, Vista House is a show-stopping property. Built in 2006, the four-bed house earns its name with panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. The front of the property mainly comprises floor-to-ceiling windows, while a split-level terrace is partly covered and features a BBQ area. 

Stepping inside, the accommodation measures an impressive 2,368 sq ft. The hub of the home is the open-plan kitchen and dining area, which benefits from double height ceilings, sleek black units and a large granite centre island.

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