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Tributes left outside Gaelscoil Cholaiste Mhuire school on Parnell Square on 26 November, 2023 Alamy Stock Photo
six months on

Young girl injured in Parnell Square attack ‘thriving in therapies’ six months after assault

The update on the six month anniversary said the young girl is ‘making choices and answering questions’.

THE YOUNG GIRL who was critically injured during an attack on Parnell Square last November is “thriving in her therapies” six months after the incident.

On 23 November last, the girl, aged 5, and two other children along with their carer were hospitalised following a multiple stabbing at Coláiste Mhuire, Parnell Square.

The two other young children and the carer, Leanne Flynn, have since been discharged from hospital.

In an update posted today on the verified GoFundMe donation page set up to support the young girl, her family described the six-month mark in her recovery as a “rebirth”.

In the update, her family said their “little star has been thriving in her therapies” and is “on full feeds via her tummy”.

In addition to this, the young girl is said to be “moving her limbs quite well and purposefully, making choices and answering questions”.

Her family have also thanked the public for the “lovely messages, support, love and prayers sent our way”.

In a previous update last month, her family remarked that there had been “great milestones for our little big warrior” and that she is enjoying Irish lessons with the hospital school.

A man in his 50s, Riad Bouchaker, has been charged in relation to the attack.

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