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The Daily Poll

Poll: Do you listen to the radio?

It’s been a tumultuous week for one broadcaster.

IT WAS A tumultuous week in broadcastland. Well, for one station anyway.

2FM listeners were just recovering from the shock that longtime presenter Doireann Garrihy was leaving her show after five years at the station when they were hit with two (or three) more departures.

The 2 Johnnies said said they were leaving their popular drive-time show, followed on Thursday Jennifer Zamparelli who said she’s be leaving after more than 10 years at the station.

Despite all this, head of 2FM Dan Healy took to the airwaves himself to insist that it was “an exciting time” for the station and for radio. But Healy may have raised some eyebrows when he said 15-34 age group was the stations target market. 

How many 15 year olds are listening to the radio? For that matter, how many people are listening to the radio these days? Do you?

Today we’re asking, Do you listen to the radio?

Poll Results:

Yes - every day! (11036)
Never. Unless it happens to be on somewhere. (1840)
I turn it on every now and then (1810)
Yes - At least once a week (1334)

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